
We see sustainability as a central part of future-proofing Arlandastad Group. This gives us the opportunity to continue to generate value for everyone who works and spends time in our areas.

Our overall ambition is to develop attractive destinations for businesses that contribute to sustainable development. We do this through challenges and improvements together with partners and society. We make room for the future.

Anna Stenströmer, Head of HR and Sustainability at Arlandastad Group:

It is in collaboration with others that we can continue to develop, make real changes and create long-term business.


Collaboration is the key to success

We believe in collaborating across borders and actively contributing to the exchange of knowledge to drive development in a long-term perspective. We are enablers and team players, and our ambition is to accelerate the sustainable development journey in our areas with local and innovative collaborations.

Feel free to submit your idea or suggestion on how we can work together with sustainable development in our areas. 

Skavsta, Nyköping

Sustainability framework

In line with Arlandastad Group's overall purpose of "Making way for the future", the sustainability framework FUTURE (in SE, FRAMTIDEN) was implemented in 2023. The framework has been focused on the company's previous goals and strategies, but now with an increased breadth. The framework addresses the company's material sustainability areas. Above all, we focus on Together and Now as we build for the future today.


  • F - Financing: by linking financing to our sustainability work, we enable a broader base of investors and more trusting relationships with financiers
  • R - Resource efficiency: We will work for increased resource efficiency and circularity
  • A - Business ethics: Good business ethics should permeate our entire business and value chain
  • M - People: We want to promote the health and well-being of our employees, both those who work in and those who stay at our destinations
  • T - Together: We contribute to sustainable development together with our stakeholders throughout the value chain
  • I - Innovative: The transition to a sustainable society requires us to think innovatively for new ways forward
  • D - Decarbonization: With decarbonization, we work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the value chain
  • E - Ecosystem services: Protecting ecosystem services and biodiversity
  • N - Now: We need to act now to create the future we want later on.

Sustainability Goals in brief

  • 100 % green financing for new construction and major renovations
  • 100% environmental certification for new construction and major renovations
  • Energy efficiency of existing properties
  • Promote circular flows through a higher degree of sorting and a process for reuse
  • 100 % of our strategic suppliers must approve and comply with our Code of Conduct
  • Strengthened employee engagement
  • Zero vision of work environment incidents that have occurred
  • Green leases in place with our partners/tenants
  • We work in close collaboration with society, the state and municipalities to ensure infrastructure solutions, community investments and effective decision-making paths
  • Climate neutral in own operations by 2030 scope 1 and scope 2
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from construction and civil engineering must be at least halved by 2030 (processing) 
  • Adding ecosystem services in larger projects
  • Ensure systematic sustainability work in line with the requirements of the CSRD
Flygbild över Arlandastad


Bolagets energistrategi utvärderar våra specifika förutsättningar kring solelproduktion, energilagring, styrning av fastigheter och elnät. Med start q3 2024 investerar vi i ett omfattande program som ligger inom ramen för bolagets energistrategi. 

Läs mer om hur vi arbetar långsiktigt

Självkörande bussar

Självkörande bussar

Världsunikt projekt med fullstora, självkörande elbussar i Arlandastad.

Läs mer om projektet här

Vattenrenande dammar i Arlandastad

4,1 liter vatten renas varje sekund

Under året renade vi 129 000 kubikmeter vatten via våra dammar, vilket motsvarar dygnskonsumtionen av dricksvatten för 1 miljon personer eller 4,1 liter varje sekund.

Läs mer om hur vi renar vatten