Group Management

The group management of Arlandastad Group consists of five people under the management of the CEO, Dieter Sand. 

The group management consists of CEO, CFO, Head of HR- and Sustainability, Head of Property and Development and Head of Marketing and Communications.  Group management holds monthly meetings to follow up the Group's and subsidiaries' results and financial position.

Presentation of the Group Management

Dieter Sand
Dieter Sand


dieter.sand [at] 0046 72 225 37 71 + Read more

Dieter Sand, CEO,  (year of birth 1970)

Education: Dieter Sand has two degrees from Chalmers University of Technology, a Master of Science in Civil Engineering, and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering. Dieter has also studied economics at Uppsala University.

Other significant ongoing assignments: In addition to board representation in a number of subsidiaries within the Group, Dieter is also a board representative in Destination Sigtuna.

Shareholding: Shareholding as of December 31, 2023 (own or via company) amounts to 3 887.

Erik Nyberg
Erik Nyberg

Head of Property & Development

erik.nyberg [at] 0046 70 353 22 28 + Read more

Erik Nyberg, Head of Property Development (born 1977) has several years of experience in construction and real estate, including from Veidekke and In3prenör. Since 2014, he has worked with property development for Arlandastad Group.

Education: Erik Nyberg has a master’s degree in engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Other significant ongoing assignments: -

Shareholding: Shareholding as of December 31, 2023 (own or via company) amounts to 990.

Portrait image of Henrik Moren in a darkblue sweater
Henrik Morén


henrik.moren [at] 0046 70 300 63 38 + Read more

Henrik Morén, CFO (born 1963) Henrik Morén, CFO (born 1963) has several years of experience from the banking and finance sector, including from Alfred Berg Fondkommission, Swedbank, Crédit Agricole and from Arctic Securities, as well as from the role as CFO at Maxfastigheter AB.

Education: Henrik Morén holds a Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration from the Stockholm School of Economics.

Other significant ongoing assignments: -

Shareholding: The holding of shares as of December 31 2024 (own or through companies) amounts to 0.

Sara Johansson
Sara Johansson

Head of Marketing & Communications

sara.johansson [at] 0046 73 034 63 97 + Read more

Sara Johansson, Head of Marketing and Communications, (born 1983) has several years of experience in marketing and communications, including from Swedavia and C2 Vertical Safety. 

Education: Sara Johansson has a degree in concept development with a specialisation in marketing from IHM Business School and has studied journalistic writing at Folkuniversitetet and print production at and others.

Other significant ongoing assignments: -

Shareholding: The holding of shares as of December 31 (own or through companies) amounts to 0.

Anna Stenströmer, HR- and Sustainability manager Arlandastad Group
Anna Stenströmer

HR- and Sustainability Manager

anna.stenstromer [at] 0046 70 230 55 91 + Read more

Anna Stenströmer HR- and Sustainability Manager (year of birth 1986)

Education: Anna has a bachelor's degree from Luleå University of Technology and a master's degree from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Shareholding: Shareholding as of December 31, 2024 (own or via company) amounts to 0.

Starting date Group Management

NamePositionYear began current position
Dieter SandCEO2010
Henrik MorénCFO2023
Erik NybergHead of Property and Development2015
Sara JohanssonHead of Marceting and Communications2019
Anna StenströmerHead of HR- and Sustainability2024


Responsibility of CEO and Group Management

The CEO is responsible for Arlandastad Group’s operational management and day-to-day operations in accordance with the Board’s instructions to the CEO.

The CEO is subordinate to the Board and is responsible for the company’s day-to-day management and day-to-day operations. The division of work between the Board and the CEO is stated in the rules of procedure for the Board and in the CEO instructions.

The CEO is to ensure that the company’s accounts are maintained in accordance with applicable legislation and that funds are well managed and are subject to appropriate controls and audits.

The CEO is to attend the board meetings. The CEO is also to prepare and present to the Board issues that are outside of day-to-day administration. The CEO is to ensure that the issues are well documented and that the Board, at the latest in connection with the convening of the Board meeting, receives relevant information and documentation, as stated in the Board’s rules of procedure. The CEO also implements the decisions made by the Board and has other duties.

According to the instructions for the financial reporting, the CEO is responsible for the financial reports for the company and consequently must ensure that the Board receives appropriate information to be able to continuously evaluate the company’s financial position.

The CEO is to regularly inform the Board of the development of the company’s operations, revenue, the company’s earnings and financial position, liquidity and credit position, important business events, significant disputes, redundancies and other issues of a more important nature to the company. The CEO is also to keep the Board informed of any other event, circumstance or circumstance that cannot be assumed to be of insignificant importance to the company’s shareholders.