Contact Investor Relations

The primary mission of Arlandastad Group’s Investor Relations is to provide investors and the capital market with correct, relevant and current information that clarifies the development of and facilitates the understanding of the company’s operations.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our operations or the Group’s reporting.


Portrait image of Henrik Moren in a darkblue sweater
Henrik Morén


henrik.moren [at] 0046 70 300 63 38 + Read more

Henrik Morén, CFO (born 1963) Henrik Morén, CFO (born 1963) has several years of experience from the banking and finance sector, including from Alfred Berg Fondkommission, Swedbank, Crédit Agricole and from Arctic Securities, as well as from the role as CFO at Maxfastigheter AB.

Education: Henrik Morén holds a Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration from the Stockholm School of Economics.

Other significant ongoing assignments: -

Shareholding: The holding of shares as of December 31 2024 (own or through companies) amounts to 0.