Corporate Governance
Corporate governance refers to the decision-making systems through which the owners directly or indirectly control the company.
Good corporate governance ensures that Arlandastad Group is run in a sustainable, responsible and efficient manner. The governance supports the company’s long-term strategy and goals and provides the foundation for continued profitable and sustainable growth. The overall goal is to increase value for shareholders while maintaining trust among shareholders and other important stakeholders.
Corporate governance in the company is based on Swedish legislation, primarily the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551) and the Annual Accounts Act (1995:1554). Being listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, the company must also comply with Nasdaq Stockholm’s regulations for issuers and apply the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (known as “the Code”) as well as statements from the Swedish Securities Council on good market practice in the Swedish securities market.
Arlandastad Group is a Swedish, public limited liability company with its headquarters in Stockholm. Prior to the listing on Nasdaq First North Premier, corporate governance in the Group was based on Swedish legislation and internal rules and regulations. Following the listing on Nasdaq First North Premier, Arlandastad Group also applies the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (“the Code”). Companies that apply the Code are not required to follow all the rules in the Code. Instead, they may choose alternative solutions that they deem more suitable for the company and its operations, provided that any deviations are reported and the alternative solution is described and the reasons explained in the corporate governance report. (“comply or explain principle”). Arlandastad Group is not expected to report any deviations from the Code in the forthcoming corporate governance report.